{{< details "Optional title text" >}}
`details` contents *with* _Markdown_
{{< /details >}}
This is the details
, and runs the summary
through safeHTML
shortcode with no summary
. {{< aside "Optional aside title" >}}
`aside` contents *with* _Markdown_
{{< /aside >}}
Bríttene ígland is ehta hund mila lang. twa hund brad. her sínd on þis iglande fif ge þeode. Englisc. Brittisc. Wilsc. Scyttisc. Pyhtisc. Boc Leden. Erest weron bugend þises landes Bríttes. þa coman of Armenia. ge sætan suðeweard Bryttene ærost. Ƿa ge lamp hit ꝥ Pyhtas coman suþan of Scithian. mid langum scipum na mangeum. þa coman ærost on norþ Ybernian up. þær bædo[n] Scottas ꝥ hi ðer moston wunían. Ac hi noldan heom lyfan. forðan hi [cwædon þæt hi ne mihton ealle æt gǽdere ge wúnian þær. þa] cwædon þa Scottas. we eow magon þeah hwaðere ræd ge læron. We witan oþer egland her be easton. þer ge magon eardian gif ge willað. and gif hwa eow wiðstent. we eow fultumiað. ꝥ ge hit magon ge gangan. Ða ferdon þa Pyhtas. and geferdon þis land norþan weard. and suþan weard hit hefdon Brittas. swa we ær cwedon. And þa Pyhtas heom abædon wif æt Scottum. on þa ge rad ꝥ hi gecuraon heora kyne ciñ áá on þa wif healfa. ꝥ hi heoldon swa lange syððan. And þa gelamp hit imbe geara rina. ꝥ Scotta sum dæl ge wat of Ybernian on Brittene. and þes landes sum dæl ge eodon. and wes heora heratoga Reoda gehaten. from þam heo sind ge nemnode Dæl Reodi :
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (E)
The HTML <cite>
tag in the block quote is accomplished with the cite
{{< cite "Optional text" />}}
{{< cite >}}
*or* longer text *with* _Markdown_
{{< /cite >}}